

Free sample of MediaScan

MediaScan is a daily review of reports on current affairs and business/economy in the Croatian media, published from Monday to Friday. It is available exclusively through subscription, and is delivered by e-mail. It is published in English.

The choice of articles is biased towards politics (approximately 60 percent) and business/economy (approximately 40 percent). Every issue is approximately 5 pages long, containing 4,000-5,000 words. It brings a brief coverage of the previous night's prime time TV news and current printed press. The latter includes a selection of items from the evening editions of the two most prominent metropolitan daily papers, the previous day's items from other major papers and from all the major weekly current affairs magazines.

MediaScan serves as an unbiased interface between the Croatian media and international officials, regional and international businesses, journalists, media houses, researchers and others interested in Croatian affairs and developments as seen in the media landscape.

MediaScan provides a neutral vantage point, advocating no side in the complex tangle of parties, organizations, interest groups, factions and groups dominating the Croatian political, social and business scene. On occasion, the editorial staff does provide background or cross-references to give readers a better understanding of an article or of events to which an article refers. Such interpolations, however, are clearly marked to avoid confusion with quoted and reviewed material.

A trial subscription to MediaScan is available free of charge for one week.

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Croatia: The Week in Review

Free sample of Croatia: The Week in Review

Croatia: The Week in Review Review is a weekly review of Croatian media and is published on Monday. It is available exclusively by subscription and delivered by e-mail. It is published in English.

It brings a brief coverage of the week’s events as seen in Croatian daily and weekly publications. The main feature is a two-page Executive Summary, followed by a selection of items from daily issues of MediaScan of the current week as well as additional original articles. Every issue is approximately 6 pages long, containing 5,000-6,000 words.

Croatia: The Week in Review serves as an unbiased interface between the Croatian media and international officials, regional and international businesses, journalists, media houses researchers and others interested in Croatian affairs and developments as seen in the media landscape.

Croatia: The Week in Review  provides a neutral vantage point, advocating no side in the complex tangle of parties, organizations, interest groups, factions and groups dominating the Croatian political, social and business scene. On occasion, the editorial staff does provide background or cross-references to give readers a better understanding of an article or of events to which an article refers. Such interpolations, however, are clearly marked to avoid confusion with quoted and reviewed material.

A trial subscription to Croatia: The Week in Review  is available free of charge for one week.

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